Experience the Promades!
Hello Lash lovelies,
So, exciting news, the promades have finally launched! After seeing promades absolutely everywhere, I thought I had to give them a go. Initially, I cant say I was too excited about them, when I first trained in classic lashes, the lashes where loose, I found them an absolute nightmare! It would sometimes take me around 5 minutes to pick a lash up, so instantly I was thinking the same would apply to promades. Boy, was I wrong...
Firstly, I always thoroughly trial any lashes before I sell them, I was using my premades for 12 months before I retailed them, (I would never sell something that was garbage or that I didnt use myself). So, I got my first model booked in to use the promades on, I would usually book out 1.5hrs for premades, I booked out 2.5hrs for the promades. I had no idea how long it would take to pick them up loose, I wanted to make sure I had plenty of time.
The set took me 2hrs, bearing in mind I lashed one of my good friends, so there was plenty of laughing and talking throughout. I noticed a few things as I carried out the set, firstly, more glue is needed for promades. I soon started to see brush offs, promades have a much smaller base than premades, and are handmade rather than premade, for this reason, slightly more glue is needed. I also found a really good technique, I worked in sections, picked a small bunch of promades up, placed them on a silicone pad, and away I went. I would 100% recommend a silicone lash pad when doing promades.
The finish, the finish was amazing. So soft, matte, fluffy, and just all round looked incredible. They definitely do have a softer finish than premades, after all, they are basically 'russians'. They are matte rather than gloss, so if you are wanting to create more textured/big/fluffy sets then these are for you.
Don't be afraid to mix, pre/promades are so versitile, if you wan't to create a set using both, do it! I personally love trying new things, mixing different lashes creates so much texture.
Ok, so I wasn't too sure when it came to pricing. I charged my model the same price as a premade set (£65) but booked out 30 minutes more. Saying this, with promades you get more for your money, so although I would recommend that extra 30 minutes, your stock is working out cheaper. I would say though it would be perfectly acceptable to charge more (+£10/£15).
Conclusion, as someone who wasn't massively excited about using these myself, I really am obsessed! Cheaper for the lash technican, easy to apply, can create textured/fluffier sets, another lash service to offer!
I hope for anyone who is unsure themselves, that this has helped you. I will always give my honest opinion, yes, I am going to be biased, but these are a no brainer to offer as a lash technican, watch your sets transform!
(Promades are one sale now)
Lots of lash love,